David Brooks, the 1990 World Champion of Public Speaking was in Toledo, Ohio last November, as the keynote speaker for the District 28 Toastmasters Fall Conference.
He talked about a trivia column he read years ago, in which the author – one L.M. Boyd, noted that every human being experiences six emotions:
happiness sadness anger surprise disgust fear
The gist of his presentation, relating to professional speakers, was this: The best way to connect with an audience – in person, over the airwaves or internet, is to share moments in your own life that elicit the emotion you want them to feel. When you share a moment that brought you happiness, most people will share that same sense of happiness as you tell it. As Mr. Brooks says, “They may not have been there for the moment, but they will be there for the emotion.”
How can and will you use L.M. Boyd’s wisdom in marketing your product, your service, or yourself as a public speaker?